From the course: Developing Managers in Organizations
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Coaching versus mentoring
From the course: Developing Managers in Organizations
Coaching versus mentoring
- Ask 10 people to explain the difference between a coach and a mentor, and you'll most likely get 10 different answers. However, most would agree that they're not one in the same. Here are some of the key differences. A mentor is usually much higher up in an organization than the mentee. Although, there is such a thing as reverse mentoring, where someone with a particular set of skills may help someone more senior to them, master these skills. It's also important to note that many will be better served by a mentor who's only one or two levels above, rather than the most senior member, as this person will be more approachable and their experience will be more relatable. A mentor may be in a role that the person aspires to be in someday, and may work in the same organization or in another organization. Most are usually not compensated for taking on this role. Lastly, when it comes to mentoring, the mentee is the person who drives the relationship. A coach works with their clients on…