From the course: Copyright for Photographers

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Discussing copyright at an international level

Discussing copyright at an international level

From the course: Copyright for Photographers

Discussing copyright at an international level

All, all of this, I'm assuming right now is that, we've been talking about is U.S copyright law. so, maybe I'm out there, looking on the web and I find the image I want to use and it's someone from France or something. Am I in the exact same situation? Speaker 2: Most countries or many countries are members of what they call the Berne Convention. And those member countries have decided that there are basic tenants of copyright law that everybody's going to agree to. And they're going to respect the copyrights of other, of members of those other countries. So, for example, France is a member of the Berne Convention. So, France is going to honour United States' Citizens Copyright just as they would honour their own French Citizens Copyright, it's a tit for tat thing, we're going to protect Protect each other's copyrights and honor each other's copyrights. And,and the Berne Convention was established in the 1700s and has gone through- Speaker 1: Wow. Speaker 2: Several iterations. And…
