From the course: Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

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Facilitating focus groups and interviews

Facilitating focus groups and interviews

From the course: Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

Facilitating focus groups and interviews

Focus groups in interviews can help you learn a lot about the audience for your training program. Interviews are generally one on one, while focus groups are typically conducted with small groups of people. When to use each technique depends on your objectives. Interviews are helpful for getting specific answers to questions or taking a deep dive into a particular topic. Here are few examples of people you may consider interviewing for a needs analysis. Subject matter experts are often a great resources since you'll likely need to ask many detailed questions. People who manage members of your audience can also provide you with a lot of guidance and information on that audience's training needs. Interviewing members of your training audience can illuminate a lot of information. But this can also help you build support for the training program. I was once asked to provide communication skills training to a group of a hundred social workers. I learned that previous training programs had…
