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Using a research database

Using a research database

- [Voiceover] Your research databases are excellent resources to help you find scholarly articles within just about any discipline you may study. Now let's back up. How do you know if you are using a research database? It's different from a book or a DVD because it's available electronically. It's not the same thing as a search engine, although you do use the internet to access databases. If you are using your library's website, you will probably find a link to research databases or find articles. Many libraries have subscriptions to access research databases. The content of databases can range widely, but most include scholarly content. Let's take a moment to observe key features of basic research databases. I'm now on the Otis College of Art and Design library's webpage. You can see over here, on their left-hand menu, a Databases tab. Also, down here, on these bigger icons, you can see where you can find articles. That's also where you would look for databases, but I'm gonna click…
