From the course: Video Script Writing

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It's time now to write fade out on this course. Oh, I wish there'd been something like this back in the 70s when clients presented to me what they called scripts but were really incomprehensible, non shootable ideas. I had to teach myself how to write a script that made sense. Now, I'm passing that knowledge on to you. After you've finished writing your script, if you're going to be involved in shooting your piece,you might want to check out some of the courses in the Foundations of Videos series here on Cameras and shooting is great to get you up and running with camera equipment and shooting techniques. The series build with interviews, which shares techniques specifically for shooting interviews. You'll find even more courses added to the foundations of video series as time goes on. The art of editing, will get you familiar with the basic concepts of video editing, especially if editing is new to you. If you want more specific editing techniques there are courses on…
