From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Bouncing ball

Bouncing ball

- [Instructor] I know it seems very basic, but let's take a look at the bouncing ball because the bouncing ball is a great way to look at several principles at once. You can look at arcs, you can look at the timing of your scene, you can look at the spacing of the drawings between the keyframes, and you can look at volumes. Also as a result of combining these principles, you can also see how you can affect the material properties. Also of course by changing the squash and stretch, which also relates to the volume of the ball. So here's the animation you've just seen, the frames you've just seen in animation form. Looks pretty nice. I imagine this as sort of a soccer ball on a reasonably hard surface like a dark compacted earth or hard grass. Now we see it with the arc pattern overlaid. And it's very important that the ball's center of mass always is aligned to the arc path. If it were to pop off just a little bit it would be quite eye-catching. And now this is really nice 'cause we…
