From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Don't pop 3: Camera angle

Don't pop 3: Camera angle

- [Instructor] In the previous two movies, we used color, saturation, and light tonality to emphasize or accentuate a piece of art design background, the awful word, make a pop. So let's look at another approach that we can do to improve this image. And that will be to change the camera angle. This will also affect the composition of the shots. So I'm going from our start to this. So what I'm going to do is basically a change that doesn't break the bank. So I'm taking the original art work and slightly altering it. So this alteration, you might think that took a lot of time. I had the entire drawing on layers and Photoshop, and I was able to skew most of them. Usually skewing a layer will give you 20 degrees, that kind of range of motion up or down before you break the artwork before you can't really go any further. So again, we went from this to that, and it's kind of a more dramatic shot. It feels more like wide angle…
