From the course: 3ds Max and V-Ray: Residential Interior Materials

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Export bitmaps to 3ds Max

Export bitmaps to 3ds Max

- [Instructor] I now have my carpet material authored and I can export this, either as a Substance Archive, but in our case, we're going to export it as bitmaps, and show you a different workflow. Now before I export, I'm actually going to neutralize the color of this, and there's this color node up at the top, and I'm just going to turn the saturation way down, and we're basically just going to make it a white or a gray carpet, and that'll allow us to colorize it to whatever color we want within V-Ray or 3ds Max. So, now that we have this in place, lets go ahead and go over to our Explorer, click on Living Room Carpet, Right-click, and select Export Outputs as Bitmaps. That's going to ask us where do we want to export these. Now, by default, it's going to be the same directory where the SBS file lives. We're going to ask for what type of file. Let's go ahead and use PNG, that works. And then the pattern is basically, what's the naming scheme, and so it's going to be Living Room…
