3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques
With Aaron F. Ross
Liked by 9,660 users
Duration: 22h 42m
Skill level: Intermediate
Released: 7/10/2019
Course details
3ds Max is a powerful, deep, and multifaceted program, so there's always more to learn. This weekly series aims to keep you on top of the latest tools and techniques, and introduces fresh perspectives on traditional methods for architectural and product visualization, animation, visual effects, games and virtual worlds, and motion graphics. Instructor Aaron F. Ross presents a new topic every week, spanning the full range of 3D graphics tasks, including modeling, rigging and animation, shading and lighting, camera operation, and rendering. He gives special attention to streamlining workflows, such as automation of time-consuming tasks, so your productions run more smoothly and efficiently.
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Modeling a floor plan from a 2D drafting document13m 36s
Modeling terrain with Displace space warp11m 18s
Projecting UVs with the Camera Map world-space modifier7m 46s
Capturing shadows with Arnold Shadow Matte map10m 43s
Rendering compositing passes with Arnold AOVs9m 6s
Mechanical rigging with IK and the LookAt controller9m 16s
Modulating animation with Multiply and Ease Curves13m 9s
Working with audio and the AudioFloat controller12m 8s
Automating with Expression controllers10m 13s
Real-time animation with the Motion Capture utility10m 17s
Stylized rendering with Scanline Ink 'n Paint8m 16s
Getting started with the Max Creation Graph13m 25s
Modifying a Max Creation Graph tool12m 27s
Sculpting a terrain with Texture Object Mask9m 33s
Building a road with Conform space warp11m 12s
Shading a landscape with Arnold Curvature14m 59s
Creating custom attributes with the Parameter Editor9m 1s
Driving animation curves with the Reaction controller6m 56s
Rigging a camera-facing matte painting10m 41s
Aligning a camera to a background with Perspective Match10m 32s
Projecting a photo to proxy geometry with Camera Map11m 49s
Automation with wire parameters and manipulators8m 18s
Converting scenes for different renderers10m 52s
Rendering light groups with Arnold AOVs10m 11s
Graphing scene conditions with State Sets Compositor9m 34s
Introduction to 3ds Max Fluids10m 18s
Modeling with the Motion Field Space Warp9m 55s
Non-destructive model adjustment with Linked Xform9m 23s
Animating sub-objects with Linked Xform10m 11s
Customize and cycle Path Constraint animation5m 54s
Generate complex motion with Waveform Controllers10m 56s
Illuminate a scene with an Arnold Mesh Light5m 49s
Shading with Maya maps in 3ds Max4m 32s
Varying shader properties by object with Arnold Color Jitter5m 26s
Render a mesh object with Arnold Standard Volume9m 47s
Render a Point Cloud object8m 21s
Setting track value boundaries with a limit controller4m 5s
Drawing curves with Freehand Spline8m 41s
Correcting intersections with Spline Overlap4m 38s
Reducing curve detail with Optimize Spline6m 42s
Resampling curves with Normalize Spline8m 44s
Soft-selecting curves with Spline Influence7m 42s
Blending curves with Spline Morph12m 15s
Combining splines with shape Booleans10m 51s
Approximating global illumination in Arnold13m 10s
Rendering proxies with Arnold procedurals10m 25s
Introduction to the Open Shading Language map11m 16s
Basic syntax of Open Shading Language8m 24s
Declaring OSL input and output parameters12m 53s
Generating a fractal noise pattern in OSL9m 25s
Iterating a for loop in OSL10m 16s
Using the if… else conditional statement in OSL10m 9s
Managing OSL file assets and paths10m 8s
Accelerate Arnold rendering with adaptive sampling5m 59s
Texturing with the Advanced Wood procedural map11m 2s
Art directing the Advanced Wood texture map5m 16s
Setting a fluid initial state9m 19s
In-camera compositing with Camera Map modifier7m 8s
Creating animation layers14m 33s
Collaborate online with shared views6m 14s
Rendering iridescence with Arnold Thin Film8m 17s
Loading and saving fluid presets7m 36s
Introduction to 3ds Max Interactive9m 15s
Building a motion graphics rig with Data Channel10m 18s
Creating custom project folder structures8m 28s
Open Shading Language code editor tips and tricks8m 21s
Spawning particles from a 3D map11m 18s
Rendering a starfield10m 21s
Faking GI with an Arnold ambient occlusion filter9m 4s
Modeling with the animation Snapshot tool6m 30s
Rendering particles with Arnold Standard Volume11m 23s
Render Arnold volume with physical values6m 38s
Volume indirect global illumination in Arnold7m 56s
Removing polygon detail with Freeform Optimize6m 26s
Transform and retime a cache with Fluid Loader7m 25s
Rendering motion blur in Arnold10m 46s
Drawing splines on an editable poly2m 48s
Sketching freeform topology over a polygon mesh6m 17s
Animating effects with Data Channel Decay6m 54s
Animating controllers in the Material Editor7m 17s
Painting a vertex color mask with VertexPaint9m 25s
Drawing polygon freeform strips5m 17s
Extruding polygon freeform branches2m 41s
Interactive ActiveShade in a viewport4m 35s
Fluid data channels5m 50s
Displaying fluid data channels9m 56s
Assigning UVW coordinates in an OSL network8m 52s
Using named coordinate spaces in Open Shading Language (OSL)11m 27s
Shadow group exclusion with Arnold properties5m 59s
Erasing materials with MAXScript or UVW Remove3m 3s
Understanding Fluid Churn and Vorticity channels6m 13s
Rendering Fluid channels with Arnold User Data5m 56s
Keyframe quantization and sub-frame editing with Snap Keys8m 37s
Importing a CAD solid model as a Body Object8m 38s
Solid model subtraction and intersection with Body Cutter4m 58s
Solid model union with Join Bodies6m 54s
Denoising an Arnold rendering7m 50s
Interactive Update in the animation Curve Editor2m 54s
Curve Editor view menu: Tips and tricks5m 33s
Editing animation curves with the Region Keys tool4m 56s
Combining data channels of Fluids7m 13s
Shading per object with OSL Random by Index7m 15s
Layering materials of Fluids6m 51s
Render particles as Arnold primitives3m 37s
Render PFlow particles with Arnold Shape4m 34s
Remapping colors with Arnold Ramp RGB7m 36s
Rendering contours with Arnold Toon7m 31s
Mapping Arnold Toon base color8m 55s
Controlling preview quality6m 2s
Adding information overlays to a preview with MAXScript7m 49s
Modeling with the updated Chamfer modifier9m 7s
Applying a chamfer using edge weight and depth5m 4s
Baking a map to a mesh with Assign Vertex Color9m 59s
Generating cavity and occlusion maps with Render Surface Map6m 48s
Baking multiple vertex color channels with VertexPaint9m 4s
Compositing vertex color in a shading network7m 29s
Optimizing geometry with the MultiRes modifier8m 33s
Improving viewport performance with the Substitute modifier2m 57s
Constructing a lighting assembly5m 24s
Wiring parameters in a lighting assembly8m 24s
Measuring with tape helper, the Measure Distance tool, and the Measure utility6m 39s
Display panel tips and tricks5m 12s
Quickly adjusting transforms and pivot point with the Transform Toolbox8m 39s
Stacking objects with Select and Place5m 13s
Managing objects and sub-objects with selection sets8m 17s
Referencing scenes with containers8m 51s
Changing inherited container content with Edit in Place8m 13s
Locking and unlocking container parameters9m 14s
Editing unlocked container parameters7m 16s
Projecting splines onto surfaces with ShapeMerge6m 31s
Analyzing and correcting mesh geometry with xView7m 29s
Keyframing sub-objects with the Master Point controller9m 38s
Managing scene materials with Material Explorer8m 36s
Defining a temporary transform center with working pivot8m 23s
Customizing keyboard shortcuts with Hotkey editor6m 56s
Stylized rendering with OSL Halftone Dots map4m 44s
Incorporating scene lighting in a shading network5m 20s
Incorporating render resolution in a shading network7m 32s
Situating geometry within an OSL HDRI environment6m 9s
Studio lighting with HDRI lights map8m 9s
White balance and exposure with an Arnold camera filtermap5m 11s
Rasterizing maps with bake to texture9m 45s
Advanced baking with bake to texture8m 26s
Baking to physically based renderer (PBR) materials for export7m 35s
Production rendering with Quicksilver hardware12m 11s
Varying textures with OSL Randomized Bitmaps11m 29s
Deforming a particle system with the Mesher compound object4m 49s
Set up Arnold render passes with AOV Manager8m 19s
Animating multiple tracks with Parameter Collector6m 45s
Improving edge smoothing with Weighted Normals modifier7m 35s
Rendering a cutaway with the Arnold Clip Geo material4m 14s
Advanced procedural noise with Uber Noise map13m 14s
Rendering polygon edges with OSL Wireframe map7m 32s
Art directing the OSL Wireframe map5m 55s
Introduction to MassFX Rigid Body dynamics7m 30s
Setting up a MassFX Rigid Body simulation5m 14s
Controlling a MassFX Rigid Body simulation7m 40s
Fine-tuning a MassFX Rigid Body simulation7m 42s
Automating secondary animation with the Flex modifier7m 2s
Keyframing modeling commands with the Edit Poly Animate mode4m 44s
Generating UVs with OSL projection maps5m 33s
Retiming all keyframes in a scene with the world track6m 53s
Snapping surfaces dynamically with MCG Ray Constraint6m 1s
Complex sub-object selections with the Selection ribbon7m 30s
Adding polygon edges with Paint Connect4m 33s
Manipulating sub-objects without changing mapping with Preserve UVs3m 41s
Hiding geometry based on distance with Viewport Clipping2m 53s
Navigating a scene with walkthrough mode3m 55s
Parametric soft transforms with Affect Region4m 1s
What’s included
- Practice while you learn 14 exercise files
- Learn on the go Access on tablet and phone