From the course: 3ds Max 2020 Essential Training

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Using Soft Selection

Using Soft Selection

- [Instructor] Soft selection is a powerful polygon modeling technique for achieving smooth-flowing surfaces with very few jagged edges, and it applies to just standard polygons, but it also applies in the case of subdivision surface modeling. I'll select the seat cushion and I want to get at its editable poly, and if we go up to the modeling ribbon once again, we don't see anything. We can get to the modify panel by clicking on the modify mode button here. And that opens up the modify panel, which then allows us to actually move through the stack. So I'll move down to the level of the editable poly, and then enter into sub-object vertex mode. And I can select some vertices like these two here, along the seam. I'll control-select those. And then enter into soft selection mode. And that can be done from the modify panel, or from this button on the ribbon. So click on the ribbon button for soft selection, and you get a little pop-up panel, and with soft selection enabled, we can…
