From the course: 3ds Max 2020 Essential Training
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Using Soft Selection - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2020 Essential Training
Using Soft Selection
- [Instructor] Soft selection is a powerful polygon modeling technique for achieving smooth-flowing surfaces with very few jagged edges, and it applies to just standard polygons, but it also applies in the case of subdivision surface modeling. I'll select the seat cushion and I want to get at its editable poly, and if we go up to the modeling ribbon once again, we don't see anything. We can get to the modify panel by clicking on the modify mode button here. And that opens up the modify panel, which then allows us to actually move through the stack. So I'll move down to the level of the editable poly, and then enter into sub-object vertex mode. And I can select some vertices like these two here, along the seam. I'll control-select those. And then enter into soft selection mode. And that can be done from the modify panel, or from this button on the ribbon. So click on the ribbon button for soft selection, and you get a little pop-up panel, and with soft selection enabled, we can…
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Getting familiar with the interface3m 14s
Customizing a workspace6m 19s
Customizing viewport and grid colors4m 26s
Creating and manipulating primitives5m 49s
Transforming objects with Move and Rotate5m 54s
Navigating in viewports6m 35s
Choosing viewport shading modes4m 4s
Saving time with keyboard shortcut hotkeys5m 41s
Customizing hotkeys4m 29s
Choosing a reference coordinate system8m 27s
Manipulating objects around a transform center3m 42s
Using the Scene Explorer outline2m 6s
Configuring viewport layouts3m 8s
Using Isolate Selection and Lock Selection2m 26s
Selecting in window and crossing modes1m 51s
Specifying display units4m 43s
Specifying system units4m 41s
Defining the home grid4m 38s
Saving a maxstart.max template scene3m 10s
Creating an image plane9m 50s
Duplicating objects with Array8m 8s
Collecting objects in groups3m 4s
Managing display layers6m 26s
Merging scenes3m 32s
Referencing scenes with Xref objects6m 32s
Creating shapes6m 25s
Creating a loft compound object6m 49s
Creating a freehand spline3m 44s
Editing control vertex types3m 45s
Editing Bezier splines7m 49s
Rendering shapes3m 33s
Setting shape detail with Interpolation4m 59s
Revolving a surface with the Lathe modifier7m 23s
Extruding with the Sweep modifier5m 37s
Importing Illustrator paths to 3ds Max7m 19s
Adding a Bevel modifier9m 57s
Creating a TextPlus primitive10m 14s
Modeling walls with the Extrude modifier8m 6s
Deforming an object with a modifier7m 6s
Layering deformers in the modifier stack5m 38s
Defining polygon level of detail4m 56s
Passing a selection up the stack4m 31s
Understanding topology dependence6m 13s
Versioning and collapsing the stack5m 56s
Preparing Boolean operands6m 6s
Adding edges with Quickslice4m 30s
Cutting with Boolean subtraction2m 29s
Creating doors10m 8s
Using the Modeling ribbon5m 56s
Creating polygons3m 27s
Transforming sub-objects5m 35s
Using the caddy to set options for an inset polygon6m 1s
Cloning sub-objects with Detach3m 26s
Branching with Editable Poly Extrude3m 21s
Simplifying geometry with Remove2m 47s
Extruding a planar surface to a closed volume4m 44s
Detailing with Editable Poly Chamfer4m 5s
Reflecting objects with Mirror6m 11s
Welding vertices4m 48s
Refining geometry with SwiftLoop3m 31s
Constraining sub-object transforms4m 28s
Understanding subdivision surfaces7m 50s
Box modeling for subdivision surfaces3m 9s
Modeling with the Symmetry modifier6m 8s
Shaping with Ribbon tools5m 8s
Using Soft Selection5m 14s
Sharpening corners with Crease4m 42s
Baking subdivisions4m 2s
Using the Freeform tools on the ribbon4m 24s
Sculpting with Paint Deform Push/Pull5m 53s
Using Paint Deform Brushes5m 43s
Setting paint options3m 17s
Setting brush options4m 52s
Conforming one object to another4m 5s
Adjustment with Move Conform3m 28s
Sculpting with Conform Transform4m 58s
Creating a physical camera and target5m 8s
Enabling safe frames5m 50s
Choosing aspect ratio in Render Setup3m 37s
Setting up a free camera2m 57s
Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space4m 6s
Setting rotation axis order4m 57s
Offsetting the image with Lens Shift3m 42s
Previewing renders with ActiveShade5m 36s
Assigning a diffuse material2m 52s
Creating photometric lights2m 39s
Adjusting light intensity and color3m 44s
Adjusting the Camera Exposure Control4m 46s
Adjusting light shape5m 59s
Adjusting light distribution3m 16s
Controlling spotlight parameters3m 23s
Creating a sun and sky7m 8s
Illuminating a scene with the environment4m 1s
Using the Light Explorer3m 26s
Controlling material sample size3m 48s
Designing 3D procedural maps7m 21s
Mapping bitmap image files6m 20s
Projecting UVs with UVW Map10m 8s
Using Real-World Map Size3m 36s
Mapping with vector art2m 51s
Restoring links with Asset Tracking5m 20s
Setting up Time Configuration9m 26s
Creating keyframes in Auto Key mode3m 47s
Creating keyframes in Set Key mode3m 9s
Editing keyframes in the Timeline4m 13s
Editing keyframes in the Dope Sheet5m 46s
Editing function curves in the Curve Editor9m 31s
Editing a trajectory with a motion path5m 56s