From the course: Ableton Live: Producing Electronic Music

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Setting up sidechain compression

Setting up sidechain compression

- [Narrator] So let's jump right back into it. We have our drum track here, we also have this Lynda Pad in the session, this is the custom instrument we created earlier in the course. So let's hear what these sound like together and also with the side chain compression added. I'm going to show you how I did that in just a second. (rhythmic beat playing) So if you're listening on computer speakers, you might want to use headphones for this part because it might be difficult to hear as this effect can sometimes be subtle. But its really used in a lot of different genres and that is adding side chain compression. One of the things that it does, if you're working with a pad sound, it can add an interesting kind of pumping sound if you side chain it to other elements in your mix like percussive elements. So what I've done on this Lynda Pad track is I have added a compressor at the end and remember if you click on this arrow, this is the default state that you would see in the compressor…
