From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training
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Side chain processing - Ableton Live Tutorial
From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training
Side chain processing
- [Instructor] Because of it's use in electronic dance music, side-chain processing is used throughout contemporary popular music production. Since it can be used to create interesting and useful effects, let's take a look at a couple of classic side-chain effects and discuss how you can set them up in Ableton Live. Let's start by creating a stuttering gate effect. I'm going to grab the Gate plug-in from the Browser here and I'm going to drag and drop it on this Mid-Pad track. Notice, on the Gate plug-in, and you'll also see this on the Compressor plug-ins, that there's this little arrow or triangle that you can click to open up this area that will allow us to enable the device for side-chaining. I'll enable the side-chain button, and then I need to choose a track who's signal I want to use as a trigger that will cause this gate to open and close. I'll click this pop-up menu and choose from one of the tracks in the Set. I've already set-up this side-chain Kick track to act as this…
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FX overview10m 12s
EQ and filters10m 57s
Compressors10m 32s
Side chain processing8m 17s
Using delays9m 13s
Echo introduction7m 50s
Echo advanced features7m 58s
Saturator and pedal10m 6s
Drum buss8m 56s
Reverb12m 14s