From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training

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Side chain processing

Side chain processing

- [Instructor] Because of it's use in electronic dance music, side-chain processing is used throughout contemporary popular music production. Since it can be used to create interesting and useful effects, let's take a look at a couple of classic side-chain effects and discuss how you can set them up in Ableton Live. Let's start by creating a stuttering gate effect. I'm going to grab the Gate plug-in from the Browser here and I'm going to drag and drop it on this Mid-Pad track. Notice, on the Gate plug-in, and you'll also see this on the Compressor plug-ins, that there's this little arrow or triangle that you can click to open up this area that will allow us to enable the device for side-chaining. I'll enable the side-chain button, and then I need to choose a track who's signal I want to use as a trigger that will cause this gate to open and close. I'll click this pop-up menu and choose from one of the tracks in the Set. I've already set-up this side-chain Kick track to act as this…
