From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Creating forms in Design view

Creating forms in Design view

- Creating forms in Design view requires diving into a new design environment that looks different than what we've seen previously. I'd like to take a few minutes and just have a look around before we start creating a new form in this view. In order to start a new form, we'll go up to the Create tab and in the Forms group here, we'll find the button called Form Design. When I click on it, it'll jump us into Design view for a new form. On the ribbon, we have three new contextual tabs here across the top. On the first on, the Design tab, we have sections to change our views between the standard Form view, Datasheet view, Layout view, and Design views. We have a section on themes for font and color themes here. We have a large section that has all of the different controls that we can add into out form, such as buttons and labels and textboxes and images and so on. We have an option here for the header and footer of our forms, so some properties for that. And then we have a section over…
