From the course: Adobe Mobile Apps For Designers

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Select brushes in Adobe Photoshop Sketch

Select brushes in Adobe Photoshop Sketch - Adobe Mobile Apps Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Mobile Apps For Designers

Select brushes in Adobe Photoshop Sketch

- [Instructor] Now I'm sure that you're going to be thrilled to know that you are not limited to the brushes you can see here in the toolbox, because there are plenty more built in and there are more that you can add besides. To access them, all you need to do is press on the icon for any of the brushes and you'll see all of these different brushes that are built into the app. You can also access brushes from your Creative Cloud libraries. If I tap just at the top here you can see how I can choose brushes like the one here I made in Capture earlier on in this course. Besides that, I've also got access to brushes that I use in Photoshop if I've added them as a preset to the library. They will work in here, which is nothing short of awesome. But even if you can't do that do make sure that you have a good play with all of these different brushes because there's a wide range of effects that you can achieve with them and it's just fun playing with them anyway.
