From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Isometric camera

Isometric camera

- [Eran] Welcome to AE Weekly. My name is Eran Stern and in this episode, I'll show you how to create an isometric camera in After Effects. This means that the camera will look at the world with a 45 degree angle of rotation from an overhead perspective. It will stimulate an isometric projection, so all the lines are parallel to the three major axis. Similar to the look and feel of a classic computer game. So to illustrate this, I have couple of 3D layers here, I have this maze and a solution as well as a 3D cube, which I will enable in a moment. So just till you see what we are working with, this is it. Now I'm using the Cinema 4D renderer, and I've set it to fast draft so we can work in real time, but when it comes time to render you should click on this fast previews option and switch it back to adaptive resolution. For now, I'll go to the beginning and I'll climb up to the layer menu and under new, I'll create a…
