From the course: After Effects Guru: Work Faster and Boost Performance
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Setting up a watch folder - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: After Effects Guru: Work Faster and Boost Performance
Setting up a watch folder
- Now, the benefit here with network rendering is that you don't have to actually set it up each time. You can go through and create what's known as a watch folder. This means that things that go into the watch folder, are going to automatically be triggered and network rendered. We'll go ahead and take a look at setting this up using the same setting you learned earlier, but I'm going to save that to a watch folder. This way, as things come into the project, it will automatically engage the network render. All right. We're back inside of After Effects on our original machine, and in this case, we've cued up everything how we want it and we're using the network render version as a target, but what's necessary is to create a render control file. So I'll choose File, Dependencies, Collect Files. Now, you can decide to re copy all of the project files if you want, but since they're already on the server I'm just going to say project only. You also want to make sure you choose Enable…
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