From the course: VPC Networking: Designing a Software Defined Data Center on AWS

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Add an Egress-only internet gateway

Add an Egress-only internet gateway

- [Instructor] If you're creating an egress-only internet gateway, you want to protect your nodes with IP version six addresses from getting traffic requests from across the internet. So let's create one of these gateways. We'll go into the VPC console by first doing a search and we'll go down to the Egress Only Internet Gateways section of the console. We don't have one of these gateways right now so let's create one. All we have to do is select the VPC. In a sense, we're creating a door. A door that allows internet traffic for IP version six nodes. We'll pick H+ Sports and click Create. We're done but we have to now associate this path with a particular subnet. So let's go to Subnets. And we're going to select this Private Subnet marked as IP version six. If I look at the route table and select the route table, this route table has some routes. Specifically, local routing that has to be there. What we want to do is we want to add in the route to the egress only internet gateway. So…
