From the course: VPC Networking: Designing a Software Defined Data Center on AWS
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Egress-only internet gateway - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial
From the course: VPC Networking: Designing a Software Defined Data Center on AWS
Egress-only internet gateway
- [Instructor] If you have instances hosted at AWS that have IPv6 addresses, you'll probably want to deploy the egress-only internet gateway in order to control the communication from those instances. So the egress-only internet gateway performs protection. You need that protection because IPv6 addresses at AWS are all public. So they can connect to the internet, but you don't want to have communication from the internet coming back and trying to establish a connection with your instance. So the EOIG can protect that. It's also stateful. You send it a request, it forwards your request, returns the traffic to the instance that made the request. So in this design, we have a VPC, our particular availability zone, an IPv6 subnet, an instance assigned an IPv6 address. I want to have communication, but I want to protect myself from the internet so I attach the egress-only internet gateway to the VPC and now I have my communication path from the instance with the IPv6 address connecting to…
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