From the course: Animation Foundations: Storyboarding

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Acts, sequences, and scenes

Acts, sequences, and scenes

- [Voiceover] I want to talk about acts, sequences, scenes, and shots. There's a slight difference in the way that animation and live action refer to scenes and shots. This is annoying, but it's just the way that the two industries developed. Because you might end up working in both or even on projects that combine animation with live action, it's really important to be aware of the difference. In live action, a single cut is called a shot. In animation, a single cut is called a scene. So if this was a live action project with two physical humans acting it, we call it a shot. If you animate it on the computer, by hand, whatever, it's a scene. In live action, a sequence of shots can be called a scene. And for example, you'll talk about the great scene in Jaws where the guys are in the boat, telling their horror stories, showing their scars and bonding, well that's a scene even though it's a cut and a cut and a cut. It could be 20 or 30 or 40 cuts making up one live action scene. Not so…
