From the course: 31 Music Business Tips for Songwriters
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Find out who's looking for songs
From the course: 31 Music Business Tips for Songwriters
Find out who's looking for songs
- [Instructor] One of the things that you will learn the longer you are pitching your own songs is that there are cycles when it comes to artists and when they are recording albums and when they are looking for songs. It is your job as a professional songwriter or an aspiring professional songwriter to find out who is looking for songs. So find out which artists are in the process of recording, see which record labels are looking for songs for their artists. This is sort of a seasonal thing, right? So you're going to have to pay attention to the artist and the label. A lot of times as you get more and more connected to the industry, you will find out from the label who they're looking for and the style of the album that the artist is hoping to make. All of these things count, so it is your job to find out who is looking for songs and make sure that you pitch your songs accordingly.
Navigate the music industry34s
Read a music business book34s
Schedule a songwriting consultation51s
Make a list of publishers you want to meet41s
Research signed songwriters and their hits36s
Research recording artists and their labels36s
Find out who's looking for songs51s
Join a performing rights organization (PRO)43s
Register your songs with your PRO37s