From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

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Using songs as warm-ups

Using songs as warm-ups

- Hi, great to see you here and I'm sure you are really excited about getting into singing songs and improving how you perform them. Me too. I'm going to present to you however a series of steps, each one is part of the whole picture. So, in using songs right away you know, you can sing songs by yourself and I hope you have been. But now you're here and you're asking for me to guide you and give you those elements that are going to actually improve your voice, of course as fast as possible. I expect when a person starts working with my curriculum, that they begin experiencing change in their voice for the better of course within the first day, and certainly within the first week of practice. I'm gonna start out simple, with certain drills that will open up your voice and make it easier to sing. Now, the way that exercises work with songs is very interesting and I've spent a lot of time looking into it. Let's say you were wanting to be a dancer. And you have seen these fantastic dances…
