From the course: AutoCAD Architecture Essential Training

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Using door and window tags

Using door and window tags

- [Narrator] So we've located our 176 new office build project, we did that in the previous video, it's all nicely loaded up in the project navigator ready for us to start tagging our doors and our windows. So drag the project navigator over to the right hand side of the screen so you got a bit of screen real estate and when you tag things like doors and windows in preparation to schedule them, you need to place them in your constructs. That way your constructs then relay that information through the referencing into things like your views and your sheets and your AutoCAD architecture project. And remember your constructs are your building blocks of your project; they're all the different parts of the project that you're pulling together. So ideally this type of annotation and scheduling does need to go into the construct drawings. Now, we're working with a very simple building, it's got a ground floor and a roof so ideally we want the wall construction cause we know that that is on…
