From the course: AutoCAD LT Essential Training

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Drawing with Snap and Grid

Drawing with Snap and Grid

- [Narrator] We're starting another chapter now in our AutoCAD LT essential training. We're gonna be looking at some of the further drafting tools that are available to you when you're working in your AutoCAD LT drawings. So, we've got a new drawing available for you, it's called Further Drafting dot DWG. You can download that from the library and use it to follow along with these videos in this chapter. Now, the first thing we're gonna look at is snap and grid. Now, you'll notice when you start a new drawing in AutoCAD LT, you get this funny grid appearing on the screen. It always reminds me of squared mathematics paper that I used to use at school. Now the benefit you've got of snap and grid in AutoCAD LT, is it means that you can draw regular shapes just snapping to the grid. You don't actually need your object snap switched on, for example. So, let's have a look at some snap and grid settings. They're down on the status bar at the bottom of the screen and you can see there that…
