From the course: AutoCAD LT Essential Training
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Printing from model and layout tabs - AutoCAD LT Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD LT Essential Training
Printing from model and layout tabs
- [Instructor] We're staying in our layout.dwg file. And what we're going to look at now is plotting from both the model tab and the layout tab. Now, you may say to yourself, hang on a minute, he's got nothing displayed in his layout tab, apart from a title block. Well, that's fine because all I'm going to show you is the work flow, how to plot from a layout tab. How to plot from the model tab. So, at the moment, all we really do need is a title block. Obviously, if we were plotting this properly in industry, we'd have some view ports, we'd have some text, we'd have some dimensions and everything on the drawing, ready to plot it either electronically or to hard copy. Now, if you want to plot in AutoCAD, there's two ways of doing it. You can go to the output tab and go into the plot panel here and just click on plot. Or, you can right click on your layout tab, as long as it's the current layout tab and go to plot like so. And as you can see, it's using our page set up, the iso A1 PDF…
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