From the course: AutoCAD for Mac 2020 Essential Training

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Grid and snap

Grid and snap

- [Instructor] So far we've been drawing our objects out in space, and even with tools like coordinate entry there are a handful of additional features that might make drafting a little bit easier. We can see that by default there's a grid in the background of our drawing space. Right now, it's only a visual guide to help us orient ourselves and our objects. It will never print, and we really can't do much with it. However, there is a partner tool, not turned on by default, that will let us snap to the intersection of these grid lines or any spacing that we specify. This is controlled under the drafting settings dialog box, and it's found here under Tools. Under the snap & grid tab, we can see that we have a grid turned on and we can see the grid spacing laid out here. Separately, we have the snap tool, which we can turn on here. Notice that the snap spacing has its own spacing settings, meaning it can be independent from the…
