From the course: AutoCAD for Mac 2019 Essential Training

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- [Narrator] Mirror is a fairly descriptive name for our next tool as it does just that. It mirrors or flips our geometry around an axis that we specify, The tool is found here under the modified tool set and I'll select my objects and press return. Now I'm asked to specify the first point of my mirror line. This is the axis about which we're going to mirror our objects. So, I'm going to click here and then drag my cursor down. We can see exactly how changing the mirror line changes our result. I want to mirror this horizontally, so I'm going to hold down the shift key so I get a perfectly vertical line and then I'll click. Now I'm asked what I want to do with the original source objects. If I type in Y, the original objects will be deleted or if I just press return to accept no, they'll be left intact and I'm left with my original and my mirrored copy. Let's do this again with the objects over here. I'm going to select my objects, grab the mirror tool and I'm going to mirror them…
