From the course: AutoCAD: Preparing Drawings for Revit Linking
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Adding doors - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Preparing Drawings for Revit Linking
Adding doors
- [Instructor] So we're staying in our 09_OFFICE.rvt file, and we're in the 00-Ground Floor plan in the Project Browser. Now you may remember in the last video that I mentioned when we were placing the walls that we were going to place some hosted elements such as doors and windows. Well let's look at placing some doors first of all and utilizing the setting out of the doors in our linked CAD file to build up our Revit model. Zoom in on the top left corner now of the floor plan, and just pan across a little bit. And can you see there, we've got a double door here on the linked CAD file, and we've got some single doors on the linked CAD file as well. They're not actually highlighting because they are part of obviously the DWG that's been brought in. We need to now add some Revit families where those doors should be in the walls. So I'm going to go to the Architecture tab on the ribbon and select Door, like so. Now you may get the prompt, you've not saved your project recently. What do…
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