From the course: AutoCAD: 3D Architectural Modeling
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Arrange elevations around the plan - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: 3D Architectural Modeling
Arrange elevations around the plan
- [Instructor] At this point we have all the 2D information that we need, aggregated into a single file. Now, let's start to arrange these drawings around the first floor plan in order to build the 3D model. So right now, the first floor plan has the individual entities that make it up, like lines, arcs, and so on. All the other drawings are block references, because they were inserted as files. So to access the individual parts of these, you have to explode the blocks. So type X for explode, enter, and explode these different drawings that you've brought in. And let's also purge the model to erase those block definitions. Type Purge, enter, and automatically purge all orphan data, we'll say purge all. We'll purge all items. And that will clean up the file and reduce the complexity. So I'll do that one more time, to purge any nested items, and then all of these items have been purged, there's no longer any pluses there. I'll say Close. Now if I go up to insert, you'll see that we just…
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