From the course: AutoCAD 2014 Essential Training: 6 Sharing Drawings with Others
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Choosing line weights - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD 2014 Essential Training: 6 Sharing Drawings with Others
Choosing line weights
Certain elements of a design will be more important than others. Increasing the pen weight is a great way to make important geometry stand out on a printed sheet. In this we'll use line weights to add emphasis to geometry. On my screen I have a mechanical part and I'd like to print this drawing. So I'll move up and click the Plot button. In the plot dialog box, I'll start by selecting my printer, I'll choose DWG to PDF. You can select any printer that you'd like, I'm going to stick with the 8.5 by 11 inch sheet, I will then open the Plot Area Menu>Window. From here, I will click twice to define the rectangular area that I'd like to print on the sheet. I'd like this drawing centered, so I'll choose Center the Plot. And, I'd like to plot this drawing to a measurable scale, so I'll remove the Fit to Paper selection. If we look right here, we can see that the drawing is not going to fit at a scale of one to one. So, I'll Open the scale menu, and I'll select one to two. And if we look at…
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Creating quick plots4m 31s
Selecting a pen table4m 19s
Choosing line weights4m 23s
Creating a layout, part one: Choosing paper size2m 31s
Creating a layout, part two: Inserting a title block2m 53s
Creating a layout, part three: Cutting viewports5m 31s
Organizing layouts4m 53s
Reusing layouts4m 13s