From the course: AutoCAD: Building Add-ins with C#
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Create a window - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Building Add-ins with C#
Create a window
- [Instructor] So far, with interacting with the user, we've always used the command line through the editor input namespace. But what if we wanted to create some type of graphical user interface? Well, the AutoCAD API actually has the means to create palettes such as a layer palette, a tool palette, a properties palette, all of those are palettes. And you can create a palette set and add palettes to it. Custom, just for your function. But that's a little bit more advanced than what we're going to get into. We're simply going to take advantage of the simple Windows interface built into .NET framework. The Windows interface set is used, the tools that we're going to use is called the Windows Presentation Foundation or WPF for short. In this video, we're going to create a new WPF window and we're going to launch it, so that it opens within our AutoCAD drawing and feels native to the AutoCAD environment. So let's go ahead, in our video, go to our Desktop, Exercise Files, chapter eight…
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