From the course: Cert Prep: AutoCAD Certified Professional

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Creating isometric drawings

Creating isometric drawings

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Draw with Accuracy chapter, but we've got a new drawing for you. It's called Draw with Accuracy_Isometric. You can download it from the website and use it as the exercise file for this particular video. As the name of the drawing states, we're looking at isometric and what they call Isodraft functionality of AutoCAD where you can create isometric drawings that give a representation of a 3D object even though they are a 2D drawing. What you can do is you can specify where your isoplane is whether it's to the side, looking from the top, and so on. How do we do that? Well it's in your status bar settings, but before we do that just make sure in your layers panel, you're set to the object layer as you can see at the top of the screen there. You just use the layer drop down. Just make sure you're using the layer object like so. Now in order to draw in this isodraft setting it needs to be switched on. It's down here on the status bar. It's this funny…
