From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced Dynamic Blocks
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Creating the standard door block - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced Dynamic Blocks
Creating the standard door block
- [Instructor] We're starting a new chapter, now, in our advanced dynamic blocks course and what we're going to be looking at is dynamic blocks and their parameters, first of all. So I've got a new drawing for you. It's called Door-DYNAMIC1.dwg and as usual, you can download that from the library to follow along with the videos. You'll see that we've got two walls and a really simple door in this drawing. Now, the door itself has been created on layer zero and I'll explain why in a moment. So you've got a little rectangle there, an arc there, forming the door. Now, they're on layer zero. You'll notice my current layer is the layer Doors. And you'll see what's going to happen when we create the standard block for those. So I want to create a standard block of my door. So I'm going to go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and there's my Create Block command, there. Click on Create Block and the Block Definition dialogue box appears. So what I'm going to do now, is I'm going to call this…
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