From the course: AutoCAD: Express Tools Workflow

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List Viewport Scale

List Viewport Scale

- [Instructor] We're staying in the 05_Layout.dwg file and in the previous video we merged the layout into the new A3-Landscape 2 layout tab that you can see at the bottom of the screen there. Last but not least, we're going to now look at the ability to show the viewport scale. This is a really nice little feature. If you've got a lot of viewports in a Layout tab and you want to just quickly check the viewport scale, you go to the Layout panel here in the Express Tools tab, click on the flyout and I'll just pin it open, and it's List Viewport Scale. So I click there, pick a viewport, watch the command line when I do, and it tells me it's 1:20. If I List Viewport Scale on this one, click again, it's 1:10. You can do that with any viewports in any drawings and it's that quick and easy to use. Just go to the Express Tools tab on the ribbon, List Viewport Scale in the Layout panel, quick and easy to use. Now what you can do as well though, be aware, is you can click here and you do get…
