From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations

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Setting the viewport scale

Setting the viewport scale - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations

Setting the viewport scale

- [Instructor] As usual, we're staying in our 08_Elevations3D_House drawing. And I've left the drawing in the same state, as it was at the end of the previous video, where we set up the positioning in our Viewports, that we'd set up in our New Layout tab. Now what we need to think about is Viewport scale. Now, again, you don't need to worry about the dimensioning, per se. It doesn't have to be annotative, because we're dimensioning in the Layout tab. So, it's all one to one. But you do want to make sure that your scales of your views, in your Viewports, are actually set up. So, your elevations for example, need to be a good scale to allow a bit of space in the Layout tab to place dimensioning in the first place. So, let's have a look at Viewports Scaling. And then, what we'll do is we'll add a scale to each Viewport, and then lock them down. We'll lock each Viewport. We'll look at the top left first. If I double click and make that active, what I could do there is just zoom extents…
