From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations
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Setting the viewport scale - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations
Setting the viewport scale
- [Instructor] We're staying in our 05 elevations 2D house drawing, and as you can see I've left it in the same state as it was at the end of the last video. In the last video we positioned the house east elevation in the little view port to the right there, in the floor plans 2D layout. What we're going to do now is set a recognized view port scale. So you'll notice I'm in the layout tab on the ribbon because I'm in the layout tab down here, the floor plans 2D. Can be a little bit confusing, you've got layout tabs bottom left, you've got the layout tab on the ribbon as well. So without the view port being activated, it should be deactivated, zoom in a bit, and get that view port nice and central on the screen like so. Now we need to set the view port scale. At the moment the view port scale is not a recognized scale, and that's why those dimensions, those annotative dimensions are being displayed. As soon as you make that a recognized scale, those dimensions will disappear because…
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