From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations
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Setting the viewport scale - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations
Setting the viewport scale
- [Instructor] We're staying in our 07_Elevations3D_House drawing. And as you can see, I've left the drawing in the same state as it was at the end of the previous video. Where we're looking at that left-hand view, the west elevation, of our 3D house. What we need to start doing now, is setting up our Viewports, and of, more importantly, our Viewports scales. So that we know what the annotation's going to do when we set up things like our annotative scaling on our dimensioning. So, I've already got a Layout tab set up in this drawing for you. It's down here, bottom left. Elevations 3D, there like so. And as you can see, it's got a title block, and there's already a Viewport in place, showing an isometric view, with just a chosen visual style, like so. Now, you might want to have a nice little isometric view like that, to give people an idea of what the house is going to look like. It's a little bit big though. So, what we're going to do, we're gonna tweak this Viewport, and then set…
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