From the course: AutoCAD 2021 Essential Training
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Using Offset and Mirror - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD 2021 Essential Training
Using Offset and Mirror
- [Narrator] Once again, we're staying in our modifyingobjects.dwg file. What we're going to do this time is double click on the wheel to zoom extend so that we can see the whole of our floor plan and where we're working towards generating a good working environment in our office space. Now you'll remember, we placed some desks and some chairs in the work area here, with our nice plant, to make the office seem nice and green, and to have some vegetation there, just to make the office look nice. We're going to zoom in on that office now, let's get in nice and tight, get it filling up the screen like so. Now, you'll notice we've got the three desks and chairs there, these two desks here are going to become hot desks, and what we're going to do is we're going to remove this desk and chair in a moment. We're going to create something first though, before we start thinking about that. So, we're going to go up to the layers…
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Selecting objects5m 26s
Using Move and Copy3m 35s
Using Rotate and Scale5m 49s
Creating and using arrays6m 45s
Using Offset and Mirror5m 7s
Using Stretch and Lengthen5m 14s
Using Trim and Extend5m 9s
Using Break and Join4m 11s
Using grips and grip editing4m 2s
Using boundaries4m 8s
Using Fillet and Chamfer5m 9s
Using Divide and Measure5m 24s
Editing polylines and splines5m 53s