From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Face rigging with Rigify

Face rigging with Rigify

- [David] Now, in this week's Blender Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, I'm going to show you how to quickly rig a face. Now, here's the thing. Rigging a face can actually be literally an entire course. I'm talking like, two hours, going into every meticulous little detail. So, we're going to try to compress that just into a few minutes, and thus, we'll only hit the highlights, so let's get started. First, let's delete everything. Hit A twice, X delete, Shift + C if your 3D cursor moved, let's come over here, file, user preferences, add-ons, type in R-I-G-I-F, rigify, turn that on, save your user settings, close now, Shift + A, let's add a monkey. Got to love the monkey. Shift + A again, let's go to armature, notice there's a few new things in here, animals, basic stuff, you could make a cat, wolf, it's pretty cool. We're going to make a human. So, let's go ahead and click on human. So, now we've added the rig, so I'm going to go into the right orthographic view, and you can do that by…
