From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Projections in camera

Projections in camera

- Have you ever wanted to take an image and just project it onto an object? Well, in Blender, there's a new add-on called UV Project that makes it super simple for you to take any kind of image and project it onto backgrounds, onto monkeys, onto cubes, and in this week's Blenders Tips, Tricks, & Techniques, I'm going to show you just how to use it. Now, let's pick something more complicated, so I'm going to add a monkey. So, Shift-A, add a monkey. Let's go to cycles, let's open this up a little bit, and let's make a few things. First, let's make an image texture. So, New, New. We're going to call it Color. We're going to go to Color Grid. Let's go make a new material. Click over here. Image Texture. Color. And finally, this object, although we're going to overwrite them, needs a UVMAP. So we can just go to Object Data and click on Add A UVMap, or we can go into Tab, for edit mode, U, Smart Unwrap, and there you go. You have a UVMAP. Okay, great. Now, let's go to the modifiers panel…
