From the course: Blue Prism: Excel Automation
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Remove blank rows - Blue Prism Tutorial
From the course: Blue Prism: Excel Automation
Remove blank rows
- [Instructor] As the Week One Excel report is now open, you will notice there are a few empty rows between the populated data. Let's delete the empty rows, so that they are not included in the consolidated report. This can be achieved in two ways. Using the Remove Blank Rows from the Excel VBO or using to remove blank rows from the Utility Collection Manipulation VBO. However, prior to the Collection Manipulation, we need to have extracted the file information from the Excel in the collection before we're able to modify it. In this case, we'll be using the Excel VBO method because it's quicker and more efficient. Navigating back to the Get Weekly data page, we can create a new action just after the show. Double click on it and rename it to Remove Blank Rows. Select the MS Excel VBO from the business object. And under Action, we'll be looking for the Remove Blank Rows. The only input needed here is the handle, which is…
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