From the course: Project Management: Solving Common Project Problems
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How often should I have progress meetings?
From the course: Project Management: Solving Common Project Problems
How often should I have progress meetings?
- An interesting question is, how often should you have your progress meetings once the project is underway? Normally, projects have a monthly meeting, but sometimes a weekly meeting to check on progress, and I think the main thing this depends on is the overall length of the project. You need to have at least four progress meetings. So if it's a 3 month project, if you have them monthly, it's not going to be enough. When you have the first meeting, a third of the project has already gone, and it's probably going to be already too late to get things back on track. So if it's a 3 month duration of project, I think you would have a weekly meeting for that, but if it's a year-long project, then clearly you'd go monthly. So length of project is the main factor, but there are some other things to bear in mind. One of them is how difficult is the project and link to that, how competent is the project team? If it's a fairly easy project, and the team are highly competent, then you can…
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