From the course: Technical Recruiting
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How to verify technical abilities, degrees, and certifications
From the course: Technical Recruiting
How to verify technical abilities, degrees, and certifications
- Several years ago I had a personal experience that really showed me the importance of checking credentials before we send candidates to our clients. I had sent somebody out before I did the background checks only to find out that she had fabricated 100% of her CV. She fabricated her education, her experience, and of course, we were backpedaling with the client when we realized none of it was true. We have pressure to fill contracts and orders, but your reputation is on the back of every person you send out. And so it's extremely important to verify technical abilities, because you and I both know candidates will often exaggerate their capabilities. Try to identify and utilize testing companies who have testing that is developed and validated by industry experts, that examines real-life scenarios, and lastly, examines skills that will be required on the specific job you're representing. It's also important to validate that it's your candidate who is actually taking the test. There…
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