From the course: Technical Recruiting
What you should know about technical recruiting
From the course: Technical Recruiting
What you should know about technical recruiting
- Have you ever wondered if you had to work in IT to become a tech recruiter? Could you really recruit an IT professional or engineer without that expertise? What is technical recruiting? It's often referred to as IT or technology recruiters. And these IT or technology recruiters need to be proficient at sourcing, at screening, at reviewing, and understanding the needs of clients. You do need to eventually understand technology and technical roles and skills, but that is something you can learn. You will need to present qualified candidates to tech hiring authorities. And again, these are all things that you can learn. You do not have to have tech experience to become a tech recruiter. There is such high demand for technology talent right now, and the global competition is just increasing every year. It's interesting because the students that are in college right now have so many more choices. When you think back even of engineering, students would be a mechanical, electrical, or project engineer. Now they have 30 different careers they can look at. And technology keeps changing. The jobs that exist today, many of them didn't even exist 10 years ago. And so many people in technology are opting to work virtual. So the technical recruiter has to have many different skills to basically find the talent that their clients are going to hire. The first skill is sales ability. You want to position yourself as a solution to the challenges and problems being faced by both your clients and your candidates. Next is technology knowledge. You've got to be able to understand technology and trends. By reading trade publications and becoming informed, you will understand exactly the world that your candidates and clients live in. Next is the confidence. You need to have confidence when you're presenting opportunities and presenting your services. If you interview 10 candidates that do a specific job, you've got basic knowledge that will help you make informed calls, and this also increases your level of confidence. The next skill set is maturity. It's interesting because this maturity can make up for a lack of specific technical recruiting experience. You also have to be inquisitive. You've got to ask better questions of your hiring authorities and candidates than other technical recruiters to get information that can help you do a better job at matching. Relationship building is so important. You want to become a lifetime career agent for your candidates, and a lifetime trusted advisor to your hiring authorities. Technology will continue to advance, and the demand for technical recruiters will continue to increase. If you're interested in becoming a tech recruiter, you're in the right place at the right time in history.
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