From the course: Time Management Tips

Time management for students

From the course: Time Management Tips

Time management for students

- All of us are students at some point, whether it's in a formal classroom setting or just going through a course like this. However, for this video, I want to provide a few tips that are helpful for people who are full or part-time students. The first is have a clear motive. Now, there are many reasons why someone might go to school, yet you might forget those in the hectic pace of going between tests and classes. Instead, take a moment and just think about it. Why am I here and what do I want to get out of it? And then write down a few thoughts and put those thoughts in a place where you can see them. That will help dictate how you make choices with your time. Second, have good sleep patterns. Now, I know that it's common to want to have a lot of fun while you're a student. I'm not saying don't do that. However, the more consistent you can be with your sleep, the better off you will be. So, if you can avoid changing your sleep patterns on the weekend and make sure that you get a consistent amount of sleep, you'll be much more productive. Third is carry with you two gathering points at all time. A gathering point is a place where you capture ideas or assignments or paperwork that come at you throughout the day. The two gathering points I recommend you have are number one, having a digital notepad, such as OneNote, and having a physical padfolio, some place where you can put paperwork as it's given to you. Number four, listen as if you have to teach it to someone else. Now, when you're in a class, the tendency for many people is to just write down lots of notes as if we're preparing for a test. That's not nearly as effective as writing down notes as if you're preparing to teach it to a friend. This puts you in the mindset of really retaining what you learn and applying it both to your life and to their life. Number five is process at the end of each day. Now, in Time Management Fundamentals I talk about what, when, where processing. The idea though is to have a scheduled time after all your classes are done where you go through all the actions, all the things that you picked up throughout the day and decide when and how you're going to deal with them. Have a consistent schedule for this. And number six, have a designated assignment time. This is a block of time that you set aside in your calendar just for completing homework or research, whatever it is you need to do from your classes. Protect this time. It's critical that you keep a consistent schedule for this. You'll get more done that way. Now these tips are just a starting point for students. You might find other useful tips in this course, or by completing Time Management Fundamentals here on the library. I wish you the best of success in your learning.
