From the course: Interviewing for Product Management Jobs
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How to ace a take-home case study
From the course: Interviewing for Product Management Jobs
How to ace a take-home case study
- Let's talk about my least favorite thing in the world of product management interviews. Sometimes early in the product management interview process, companies like to use a take home case study to filter out unqualified candidates. These are basically just prompts or hypothetical questions and tasks on a document that they send over, and ask you to work on and return. Sometimes you'll be asked to present your completed solution to a member of the team, and other times they're just used to find out whether or not a candidate actually knows what they're doing when it comes to product development. I want to be honest with you here and tell you that I personally don't like this particular practice that I find becoming more and more common. Oftentimes, these case studies will ask you to work on a particular problem or task for the company you're interviewing with. In the best case, these exercises are a lazy way for companies to filter out people that are serious about the job, and in…
Common product management interview question formats3m 52s
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How to ace a take-home case study3m 6s
Typical product management interview process3m 36s