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Prank greeting cards

Prank greeting cards

- A nonstop musical card that just keeps going for hours with no off switch, is it a gift for your friend or a gift for you? Whatever it is, it's insanely profitable. No joke, this prank musical greeting card and related products earns $36,000 a month for one California man. This man, Travis Peterson, didn't have a childhood aspiration to make a nonstop musical greeting card that looped for up to six hours. He didn't study the greeting card industry in college. He studied finance, and he didn't hate his job in investment banking. He liked it just fine, but life is funny, and these days, Travis spends much of his time managing a little project that sells close to half a million dollars a year, all built around what was admittedly a silly idea. A silly idea came about when Travis and his brother, Nick, were visiting a relative who had received a musical greeting card, you know, one of those cards that plays a little…
