From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Spreadsheets for artists

Spreadsheets for artists

- Let's talk about the connection between art and money. Specifically, let's consider the story of a dissatisfied accountant who longs to do something different, so at first, she begins selling handmade items on Etsy. Nothing wrong with that. But then she finds a way to do something even better, discovering a way to use her financial skills, and in a way that serves a unique market while getting paid. As a big fan of handmade jewelry, Janet LeBlanc in Houston, Texas, had always wanted to give the craft a try for herself. She opened her own Etsy store for handmade jewelry, calling it Lazy Owl Boutique. A few months and a couple hundred sales later, she was selling at craft fairs across Houston. Again, not bad, but when Janet had her first child, its limitations became clear. Each product required making, taking pictures, posting listings, and eventually making a trip to the post office. It was a lot of work for a small…
