From the course: Autodesk Inventor: Accelerating Design Using Standards
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Adding a compression spring to an assembly - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor: Accelerating Design Using Standards
Adding a compression spring to an assembly
- [Instructor] The AutoDesk Inventor Design Accelerators has several different types of spring. Extension springs, Belleville springs, and torsion springs, all have the same basic capabilities of doing generation based on simple design criteria, or calculation. For my design, I need a compression spring. I'll start the Compression Spring Tool, and then I can set the variables. I can determine what the installed length will be based on, working load, maximum load, custom length, or minimum load, this is what I'll use. With that established, I'll select my axis, and I'll select the start plane. Once I select the start plane, I see that the coil is going the wrong direction, so I'll flip the start plane. Then I'll go to the Calculation Tab. In the Calculation Tab, I can choose how it will be designed, a spring check calculation, a work forces calculation, or a compression spring design. With the compression spring design selected, I'll choose the design type to be based on my dimensions.…
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