There are so many aplications of 3d printing. All types of buinesses can reduce cost with outsourcing to 3d printed part. Resin and infection moulding have been aroud for such along time and have provided many technology revolutions,may ancstirs also used to introduce this type of methos as used by 3d printing if you lookat some of the ancient homes or Hut in India then they have also been created with the same layering type of build, mant are thousands of years old. Very Good informative course.
3D Printing: Short-Run Production
With Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron
Liked by 302 users
Duration: 1h 17m
Skill level: Beginner + Intermediate
Released: 11/17/2020
Course details
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What’s included
- Test your knowledge 6 quizzes
- Learn on the go Access on tablet and phone