From the course: Understanding the Architectural Design Process

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Construction documents (CD)

Construction documents (CD)

- The Construction Documents, or CDs phase, is the most intensive production phase. It comprises anywhere from 40 to even 60% of the entire project effort. During this phase, you and your team will develop a detailed set of technical drawings and specifications in sufficient detail to construct the building. You'll take the set developed during DD and develop it in greater detail. A typical set of architectural construction drawings will include a title sheet with a project description and code summary, typical notes and details, site plan and other site information, building plans, sections, and elevations, wall sections and partition types, and construction details. It will also include all the specialty sheets including civil, landscape, structural, MEP and others as applicable, depending on the scope and complexity of the project. On a large project, it can consist of thousands of sheets. Not only are architectural construction documents tedious and time consuming, they also need…
